- 私たちはみな人類という一大家族に属する
we are all members of one great human family 意味
- "we are all engaged in the darwinian struggle for survival" 意味
- "we are all highly impressed by the progress you have made" 意味
- "we are all in a hurry today" 意味
- "we are all in the same boat" 意味
- "we are all in the same mess" 意味
- "we are all players in the human comedy" 意味
- "we are all subject to mortality" 意味
- "we are all subject to the laws of nature" 意味
- "we are all useful parts, with himself at the hub" 意味
- "we are all in the same boat" 意味
- "we are all in the same mess" 意味
- "we are all players in the human comedy" 意味
- "we are all subject to mortality" 意味